Active Mobility Stretching: The Fountain of Youth for Joint Health

There is a common saying “Motion is Lotion.” Around joints in your body are pockets of “synovial fluid” that provide lubrication for joints.When a joint is moved, synovial fluid is pushed in to joint, enabling healthy movement. As we age, synovial fluid production declines. Consistent, healthy movement becomes increasingly important to maintain injury free joints.

Balancing Joint Stability with Mobility

It is important to keep in mind the relationship each muscle in your body has to other muscles. Proper muscle and joint functionality requires the right length and strength of each muscle around joints (this is referred to as “length-tension” relationships between muscles).

Length-tension muscle imbalances can inhibit the signal muscles receive from the brain to trigger an effective and appropriate contraction. This is called “reciprocal inhibition”. When muscles are not contracting and supporting the joints properly, injury and joint pain often result. Low back pain, neck and shoulder discomfort, knee and hip dysfunction and other injuries often result from length-tension imbalance.

You have likely observed individuals with a “swayback”, an inward curvature in the low back (lordosis) and forward head posture. These postural issues demonstrate “myofascial”imbalance in the body. “Fascia” is a material that compartmentalizes muscles and provides a framework connecting muscles, bones and other structures in your body. Myofascial imbalance is often the result of sedentary lifestyle and sit-down work, and has a negative impact on alignment, leaving joints open to injury.

Active Mobility Stretching

“Active Mobility Stretching” involves moving joints through their natural range of motion in a non-forceful manner. Your mobility stretch practice promotes healthy joint movement and encourages activation of muscles that support that movement. Mobility stretching decompresses joints, enhances synovial fluid flow, breaks up adhesions and calcium deposits in joints, and enables pain-free movement.

Ideally you should have a consistent active mobility stretch routing you perform daily. To introduce you to some of the basics behind active mobility stretching I created a short video called “Cervical Active Stretch” demonstrating some simple stretches for the neck. Doing these neck stretches on a consistent basis will be a great benefit to you in preventing neck and shoulder tension resulting from sitting in front of the computer, driving or watching TV. To view the video click here.

Tips to Maintain Healthy Joints

Get into a consistent exercise routine that includes active stretches that are most beneficial to you. At Focus Action we can teach you a routine customized to your body’s needs.

Eat a healthy diet of whole foods. Ensure you are getting adequate essential fats in your diet including omega-3, 6 & 9. Drink plenty of pure water. Decrease uric acid levels by limiting the amount of meat you eat.

Prepare for movement by moving. Observe how animals stretch as a preparation for movement. Cultivate the habit of moving more.

There are a few joint products on the market that you may find beneficial in maintaining healthy, injury free joints. I recently researched a supplement called “Trigosamine” that stimulates synovial fluid production and promotes cartilage health. To find out more about this supplement go to

Don’t hesitate to call us for assistance in creating a personalized stretch regimen that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Call (801) 676-9378.

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