Making the Grade: Food Grading for Weight Loss & Good Health

You are what you eat. Literally. Each second you read this, old cells in your body are dying to be replaced by new ones at the rate of 50,000 cells per second. Your body today is the sum of food choices you’ve made in the past. The condition of your body tomorrow will be the result of how you eat today. Select low grade foods and you will create a low grade body. Choose high grade foods and you’ll be stronger, healthier, leaner and more energetic.

First a simple rule of thumb: eat whole, unprocessed foods. Fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts are nutrient dense. Canned, processed and microwaved foods are depleted of nutrients and may have harmful additives that can negatively impact your health. In this article we will review a rating scale of foods that will be graded from A to F. Nutrient dense “A” foods are fresh from the ground or off the tree. They contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, fiber, essential fatty acids, carotenoids, and other healthy nutrients. “A” grade foods will keep you healthy and lean. “F” foods have little if any value.

“A” Foods

“A” foods are especially nutrient dense and fantastic to improve health and promote a weight loss program.

Spinach, broccoli, asparagus, kale, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, red peppers, yams & sweet potatoes, black eye peas, beans, oatmeal, barley, brown rice, potatoes, carrots and lentils and fruit are all excellent carbohydrate choices.

Proteins are the building blocks of all lean tissue in your body. High quality, A-grade Proteins include salmon, herring, rainbow trout, non fat cottage cheese, whey protein, unsweetened non fat yogurt, other fish, egg whites, turkey breast, chicken breast, shellfish and top round steak.

Essential fats are used to regulate hormones, build insulation sheaths around nerve cells, and form a bridge to get nutrients into and waste products out of the cells of your body. Excellent “A” fats include fish oils (salmon, trout, herring & sardines), krill oil, flaxseed oil, Udo’s Choice essential oil blend, extra virgin cold pressed organic olive oil (Spectrum is a good olive oil brand), and raw unsalted nuts & seeds.

“B” Foods

“B” foods are healthy foods. Some “B” carbohydrates are great choices but on some level are processed (like whole wheat bread and 100% whole grain unsweetened cereals). Healthy “B” grade carbohydrates include 100% whole grain breads, pastas, cooked cereals & unsweetened cereals, grits, white rice, and whole wheat pitas.

“B” grade proteins and dairy products include non fat cheese, 1% low fat cottage cheese, low fat sliced turkey & chicken breast, and flank steak.

Fats in the “B” range would include canola oil, natural unprocessed peanut butter, and small amounts of salted nuts & seeds.

“C” Foods

These foods don’t get a failing grade but your choices should be more primarily fresh whole foods of the A & B grade. Be judicious in the “C” foods you eat.

“C” carbs include Cheerios, enriched wheat bread, Total cereal, Kellogs Raisin Bran (& other whole grain, sweetened cereals), unsweetened fruit juice, sweetened low fat yogurt, bagels, and pasta made from enriched flour (durum semolina). Although fresh, unsweetened fruit juice is very healthy and nutrient dense, if your goal is weight loss, juice is not the best choice.

“C” grade proteins may be processed or higher in saturated fat content: low fat (2%) cottage cheese, 2% cream cheese & sour cream, chicken thighs, sliced low fat ham, dark turkey meat & low fat sausage.

“D” Foods

Carbohydrates: sweetened boxed cereals with no whole grain, crackers, sweetened muffins, baked goods, and white bread.

Proteins: roast beef, ham, regular ground beef, and moderate cuts of red meat.

Fats: sour cream, whole-fat cottage cheese, and cream cheese.

Remember if your goal is to stay lean and healthy, eat minimal amounts of these foods.

“F” Foods

Eat “F” foods rarely if ever. “F” foods include highly refined foods, processed high fat meats, foods with trans fats/hydrogenated fats, & foods high in refined sugars and fats.

“F” Foods include: candy, soda, cookies, chocolate, sugar sweetened drinks, pies, doughnuts, croissants, cakes, pastries, Fettuccine Alfredo, hot dogs on a white bun, sweetened peanut butter (Jif, Skippy, etc.), potato chips, french fries, fast food hamburgers on a white bun, bacon, sausage, salami, and beef jerky.

Improving Your Grade

Simply choose more items day to day that rate high. Weed out those that rate low. “A” foods should compose the majority of your daily diet.

Shop for whole food fruits and vegetables. Learn healthy recipes- get a little creative with how you prepare foods so that you truly enjoy eating fresh, nutrient dense foods. Go to the health food store and try some new things. Creativity goes a long way to keeping you interested in healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

Don’t hesitate to call us at Focus Action at 801-676-9378 for customized strategies that will help you achieve your goal of lifelong health empowerment, high level energy, and a lean, strong body.

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